Sunday, May 29, 2011

Update - week 10-11

So far i have been working on my Key frames for the entire animation and also some important in-betweens.
I started to work on these when we had the 2 weeks break, but i keep improving the poses and replacing them again and again.
I'm never happy with stuff i do - and too objective sometimes with my own work (which is good because it's pushing myself more and more, but sometimes it's too much and too extreme and i actually need to take it easy...but i know i can't :(

Anyway, I'm trying to do something almost every day so when the time comes after the semester break, the only thing i would have to do is to refine details and add in-betweens to some shots. I'm aiming to get as much animation done as i can (finish if i will be able to handle my job and the time for the animation at the same time) - at least keys and some in-betweens.

the shot we have to submit to Jack in Week 12 kept me busy too. I draw thumbnails to work out the keys and the timing, then tested again and again and then in the 3rd attempt it worked and i just completed all the details and the inbetweens. Now it's only several frames i have to add before testing the shot for the last time.

I'm kind of happy with the result - not completely and i don't know why....again(Too hard on myself).
Anyway - i will start posting some fun stuff that i did and didn't have the chance to show - character design and concept art. also some pencil tests...

That's it for now..

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