Thursday, March 31, 2011

PipeLine Proof

So this is a very very very rough example of how i'm going to approach my post production stage. These are NOT the colours i'll use (if i'll have the time of course) and after i exported it, i saw it's very slow as well. That's not important, but the way i've done it was to create different layers - midground, background and forground with Alpha C' (Actually Jack did and recorded himself showing me). Then i saw i'll have to measure my drawings so i won't lose information when i adjust the settings to HD (16:9). The other thing was to make sure that the background line drawings are closed and clean. With the Animation - i inked one frame and created an Alpha C'. Then i created the movement of the clouds moving and Minnie running across.

That's basically how my elements are going to be layed out.

Update Week 7

I managed to finish some of my goals this week:

1 - Finished the few props i wanted from last week.

2 - Went over the lines and cleaned up some of it for the Pipeline Proof.

3 - The 2-3 backgrounds i wanted to finish are PARTLY ready - the first stage was to construct the layout - to get the perspective right. Now i just need to add the details and the texture.

4 - I cropped the images from the storyboard and numbered them for the Animatic. I have the SFX ready. All i have to do now is to make the camera moves in AE and export them as QuickTime Clips and import it into Final-Cut. From there i just have to work out the timing and to match the SFX.

The only reason i haven't started the Animatic yet, is because of the pipeline proof and the Bear project. The pipeline proof is nearly ready and the same with the bear for VFX Class - i have to finish both next week (Due on week 8).
Once i'll get them both out of my way, i'll have the time to work on my Animatic (Even during the break) so when i get back, i could start animating.

So, my goals for next week are:

- Finish the bear project for VFX and hand it in (Finish with the wire removal tool, created the explosion and now i just need to work on the details and hand it in).

- Finish the pipeline proof and upload it to my blog (just have to ink one of my frames, create an Alpha Channel and import it into AE - position the frame as if it's a run cycle behind the tree to interact with the background, export and i finished.

- Create the camera moves i need for my specific frames and export as quick times. Save the SFX i found on Soundtrack pro in folder, so i can use it in my Animatic.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Update week 6

Busy week!, I managed to finish my goals this week:

SFX (Rough) - ready for the Animatic (Found even more SFX in Soundtrack Pro which i'm probably going to use in the final piece). With the soundtrack i'm going to use bits and pieces from famous themes just to have a proper reference for the music i'm aiming to get.
After i have the Animatic running as a file, i'll have an example of what kind of music i want for the sound design people.

StoryBoard - Done (ready to be scanned) - the storyboard is long just because i worked out my movement (rough key frames of the entire animation).

Character Design (poses and expressions) - Done
(Also finished the illustrations (photos) of Minnie and the guy together - to show their relationship).

Prop Design - Done.

Pipeline Proof - Done (The layout is pretty much what i wanted - i might change the elements, but overall it's ready). I finished rough Animation of Minnie, an 8 frames run cycle.

Upcoming goals for next week:

1 - finish cropping my storyboard - start editing and timing it in Final Cut (hoping to finish it) . 2 - I would also like to finish 2-3 of my backgrounds (the Airport, the profile fence and maybe an interior of the house or some other layout).

3 - Clean up and add details to my animation for the pipeline proof.

4 - Just add 3-4 props i thought would be useful.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Update Week 5

Alright - this week was CRAZY!
I nearly finished my character design: Pose and Expression Sheets for my characters - nearly means that i just have to refine them.

Finished Rough SFX for my Animatic (again - SFX, NOT music, because i'll be able to do it only after i have the animatic ready).

Started to work on my Storyboard (using some images from my Thumbnails).

Finished my schedule (detailed schedule for Pre-Pro', Production and Post).

This weekend i have a few goals:
Completely finish my Storyboard - having it ready for the Animatic stage, so next week i could scan all the images.

Completely finish the character Model Sheets (piece of cake : ).

Finish Props design (Not a big deal too as i have my references from my house overseas).

Finish at least 1-2 backgrounds - (front, middle and back elements) for the pipeline proof.
Well, with the animation - i don't know, we'll see how it goes....too many things to finish, so maybe i'll drop an image on top and move it or use something i already have.

I don't think i'll have too many problems to finish the storyboard, model sheets and the backgrounds. I started and almost finished some of them.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

End of week 4

This week i finished my Final script, (i handed in the synopsis, premises and treatment over week 2). I finished Thumbnails as well and probably going to use some of the images for the storyboard (i broke down movements just to help myself understand better complicated motions).
I started to work on the model sheets - pose sheet and expression sheet for each of the characters. I used the thumbnails for key storytelling poses and expressions.

My goal for next week is to continue work on the guy's pose sheet.
Start work on layout and props design (All the items I'm using in the film are from my house back in Jerusalem - so the stuff the guy owns are actually items that would be based on my own stuff.).
Work out SFX (which now i know more clearly which ones i need).
The week after (week 6) is going to be dedicated to storyboards and from there to Animatic.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Important Update!

So today in class i got lots of suggestions for improvements on the script from Jack. I think it made me realise the potential of story development. So many different ideas came out from Jack, so i just started to re-edit my script. Now it's the 4th draft.

Basically the changes are:

The entire establishment scene was cut off - mainly because it's not essential to the story and doesn't help progress it. It would be awesome if i'll finish the animation and i'll have extra time to do it, but MAYBE. In the meantime i'm cutting it (Neale, Jack and Darren said the same).

Instead of having the guy wakes up hysterically and rushes to the wardrobe, we see Minnie wakes up to a rushing footsteps.

Instead of having the guy waving a finger angrily, she'll roll the ball towards him and he will trip over - what makes her reaction funny - the camera would shake and the sound fx would be added as well.

The ball as a symbolic thing - that would go with her all the way to the airport - the ticket would stick to it, as well as the leafs from the bushes after she will be passing the fence.

To increase and hold on the moment where Minnie is left behind (strong noises in the background to make it dramatic).

At the airport add a long line of people standing behind Nir waiting angrily.

I think These changes make me focus more on the dog and that's what i wanted from the first place. My mission for the weekend is to finish Thumbnails + script.
I would love to start Storyboarding and create the animatic as soon as possible because i know i have much more complex visuals to deal with - especially the animation and the layout.
But i have a much better feeling now with the new version.