I managed to finish some of my goals this week:
1 - Finished the few props i wanted from last week.
2 - Went over the lines and cleaned up some of it for the Pipeline Proof.
3 - The 2-3 backgrounds i wanted to finish are PARTLY ready - the first stage was to construct the layout - to get the perspective right. Now i just need to add the details and the texture.
4 - I cropped the images from the storyboard and numbered them for the Animatic. I have the SFX ready. All i have to do now is to make the camera moves in AE and export them as QuickTime Clips and import it into Final-Cut. From there i just have to work out the timing and to match the SFX.
The only reason i haven't started the Animatic yet, is because of the pipeline proof and the Bear project. The pipeline proof is nearly ready and the same with the bear for VFX Class - i have to finish both next week (Due on week 8).
Once i'll get them both out of my way, i'll have the time to work on my Animatic (Even during the break) so when i get back, i could start animating.
So, my goals for next week are:
- Finish the bear project for VFX and hand it in (Finish with the wire removal tool, created the explosion and now i just need to work on the details and hand it in).
- Finish the pipeline proof and upload it to my blog (just have to ink one of my frames, create an Alpha Channel and import it into AE - position the frame as if it's a run cycle behind the tree to interact with the background, export and i finished.
- Create the camera moves i need for my specific frames and export as quick times. Save the SFX i found on Soundtrack pro in folder, so i can use it in my Animatic.