Thursday, March 17, 2011

Update Week 5

Alright - this week was CRAZY!
I nearly finished my character design: Pose and Expression Sheets for my characters - nearly means that i just have to refine them.

Finished Rough SFX for my Animatic (again - SFX, NOT music, because i'll be able to do it only after i have the animatic ready).

Started to work on my Storyboard (using some images from my Thumbnails).

Finished my schedule (detailed schedule for Pre-Pro', Production and Post).

This weekend i have a few goals:
Completely finish my Storyboard - having it ready for the Animatic stage, so next week i could scan all the images.

Completely finish the character Model Sheets (piece of cake : ).

Finish Props design (Not a big deal too as i have my references from my house overseas).

Finish at least 1-2 backgrounds - (front, middle and back elements) for the pipeline proof.
Well, with the animation - i don't know, we'll see how it goes....too many things to finish, so maybe i'll drop an image on top and move it or use something i already have.

I don't think i'll have too many problems to finish the storyboard, model sheets and the backgrounds. I started and almost finished some of them.

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